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The Institute for Computing and Informatics Studies (ICIS) is involved in the following educational activities:

Virtual Workshop: “Understanding CI-Resources and Applications (UCIRAs)”
The main goal of this virtual workshop is to promote the use of cyber-resources available to the community (e.g. Teragrid, PRAGMA, and OSG among others). This workshop presents broad concepts rather than technical details and targets at a broad audience. The workshop is delivered via standard videoconferencing technologies.


Industry/Government Seminar Series (IGoSS)

The goal of this seminar series is to engage communities in private and public sectors to participate in cyber-infrastructures activities. This seminar series involves local industry/government staff in CI-based continuing education activities.


Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula

ICIS fellows teach numerous undergraduate/graduate classes in core topics relating to computing and informatics including high performance computing, distributed systems, database systems, signal processing, and networking.